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Greenspace Main Logo

Risk Manager

“At Vestas Offshore Wind Blades UK, the Greenspace Environmental Aspects Register has become an integral tool for managing our environmental responsibilities across multiple sites. Its structured framework allows us to efficiently identify, document, and address key environmental risks and opportunities while staying aligned with ISO 14001 standards. By linking directly with our Legal Register and control documentation, Greenspace simplifies compliance management, helping us to not only meet regulatory standards but also drive continuous environmental improvements.”
Luke Almond, HSE Co-ordinator, Vestas Blades UK
Risk Manager

Define and Navigate Risk with a Register of Environmental Aspects and a Register of H&S Hazards


The Environmental Aspect Register sits at the heart of your ISO 14001 environmental management system. For each aspect, our unique application presents a description, photo and a method for determining significance. Once identified, Significant Aspects can be linked directly to related legislation and your control mechanisms, simplifying the process and providing a clear path to compliance.

Likewise, a Hazard Register is the foundation of your ISO 45001 management system. The register is used as the basis for creating task-based risk assessments and ensuring they are suitable and sufficient.


Risk Navigator is a new Greenspace tool for clients facing evolving risks in new projects, contracts, or site portfolios.

While many clients operate consistently year to year, many face varying risks that require ongoing assessment and management.

Waterman consultants will develop a strategic Risk Register, anticipating potential scenarios. Risk Navigator then enables clients to create custom registers and action plans tailored to each contract, project, or site, ensuring effective risk management.

Matsuura's improved management of their environmental aspects is evident and noted by clients when they visit their showroom.