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Greenspace Main Logo

Improvement Tracker

“The Greenspace Improvement Tracker allows us to assign EHS tasks to staff across Swagelok London and track progress to ensure we remain compliant and on a consistent improvement curve.”
Gosia Simpson, Senior Manager – People & Culture at Swagelok London
Improvement Tracker

Put continual improvement at the heart of your management system

The Improvement Tracker links to all areas of your Greenspace site. You can set broad objectives and targets with action plans delegated to staff to ensure they are achieved. You can also set discrete actions against non-compliances, allowing users to log progress and upload evidence of conformance.
Super Admin users can oversee all actions, verifying and validating them to completion., whilst our email notification system alerts users to actions and pending deadlines.

Alongside this, the Performance Dashboard presents graphical indicators showing progress towards your company ESG goals.